Mahindra Reports & Portfolio
Report 2: (03/23/2009) Training of Mahindra-Personal in Nagpur
By: M&M Ltd. Farm Equipment Sector
An important part of the introduction of a successfull new product lies in product training. A new product without the correct back-up and mechanical knowledge of the product will fail at the first breakdown. To keep the customers happy they need to have faith that the machine will not be out of action and not working for large time periods. This costs the farmer a lot of money especially during the critical time of harvesting.
ESM and Mahindra realised this and made sure to offer training for all the Mahindra staff at their world renowned technical training school in Nagpur, India. The ESM staff consisting of Mr K.R. Strohn, Mr W. Oehler and Mr M.I. Langton accompanied by Koeppl-Manager Mr K. Koeppl. All these experts in the machinery were able to put all the relevant information across, with the help of Mr K.K. Nayyar, to 18 enthusiastic students who all will then be equipped to teach others in the net work of Mahindra.
Mr K.K. Nayyar from Mahindra and Mahindra stated that “This information transfer is vital and shows the committment to the product for the future from ESM, Koeppl and Mahindra and Mahindra.”
Mr K.K. Nayyar explaining and teaching the students about the CaneThumper®.
Mr W. Oehler of ESM training Mahindra and Mahindra staff.
Mr M.I. Langton from ESM with the help of Mr. K. Koeppl and Mr K.K. Nayyar teaching the students on the machine operation and driving
Report 1: (03/17/2009) Mahindra Applitrac: Presentation on Product Portfolio
By: M&M Ltd. Farm Equipment Sector
Our Vision:
- To become No. 1 company of the world
- To go beyond tractors and offer total farm prosperity to our Customers
- To provide Crop wise “Total Agri Solutions” – from land preparation to Harvesting
- Initially 5 crops selceted are – Wheat , Rice , Potato , Sugarcane & Cotton
- Other Crops to get benefited are – Maize , Sunflower , Soybean , Gram & Pulses
Mahindra & Mahindra is the only Tractor Manufacturer in India who provides to its customers specially designed “Matching Implements” so that the tillage operations can be done most scientifically and economically.
Some of the Basic Implements being sold by M&M are:
- Cultivators
- Disc Plough
- Mounted Disc Harrow
Advance Implements
Besides offering matching Basic Implements , M&M also offers advance Implements. These are:
- Hydraulically Reversible MB Plough
- Rotavators in J & L type Tynes ( Blades)
- Rotary Disc Plough ( under development)
Rotary Tillers:
- Regular Rotavator: Gear drive with L-type blades & working width ranging from 1.0m to 1.5m. Digging depth 5-6 inches
- Potato Special Rotavator: Chain type with L-type blades & working width ranging from 1.8 m to 2.25m. Digging Depth 8–10 inches
- Staggered Blade Rotavator: Specially Designed to handle un-cut paddy straw. Digging depth 6–7 inches.
- Rotavator-cum-Seed-cum-fertilizer Drill (under development)